and Fred Walser.

Scott is running to unseat Dan Kristiansen as the State Representative (Pos. 1) and Fred is challenging current State Senator, Val Stevens. This is Olson's 2nd run and the first for Walser. Both men are running on platforms that highlight needed highway safety fixes for both US 2 and SR 522. Considering the failures of the incumbents to produce any effective results in that area (and the many traffic fatalities related to those failures), we believe it is imperative for the citizens of the 39th LD to make a change; and that Scott and Fred would provide real solutions to the issues impacting that district.
Fred brings a lifetime of public service in the area of law enforcement and traffic safety to bear in his race. After serving 28 years with the Washington State Patrol, Fred served as Police Chief for the City of Sultan for the past 11 years. He has also served as Chair of the US 2 Safety Coalition. Fred is also concerned about education reform and told us that he would bring together all interested parties to come up with working solutions for the this urgent issue.
Scott comes to his race as a concerned citizen who has lived and worked in the district for many years. He has owned a small business in the area and keeps in touch with the locals as a bartender in Monroe. His previous electoral experience includes a term on the Sultan City Council. Scott is particularly concerned about education and healthcare.
DFSC is proud to lend our support to these fine candidates and encourage folks both in and out of the 39th LD to lend their support in every way possible.
Chad Shue
Chair, Democracy for Snohomish County
I am a little surprised you would endorse Walser, his party notwithstanding. Perhaps you haven't heard about his alleged crimes? Might want to see how that turns out first.
Scott Olson is a decent fellow. I don't think he's of the same caliber as Rep. Kristiansen, however. I also don't think that Rep. Kristiansen and Sen. Stevens are anything similar in their governing styles. Kristiansen is a highly respected (on both sides of the aisle) and effective legislator.
Keep that Walser endorsement under your hat. I predict it will not be your proudest pick.
If they are running on platforms that highlight needed highway fixes for U.S. 2, then I have a simple question.
Do they support Senator Mary Margaret Haugen's decision to spend $82 million on congestion improvements for the road to her home and another $13 million on an Amtrak station in her district, while offering only only $14 million in new spending for U.S. 2? Or do they support Kristiansen's and Stevens' efforts to get much more spending on U.S. 2?
It's a simple and fair question. I await an answer.
Well, maybe one more question, to help clarify the first. Do your candidates agree believe that Haugen's actions as Senate Transportation Chair fulfill her pledge in a January op-ed to "work toward reducing congestion on our highways -- but not at the risk of sacrificing safety"?
OK, maybe one more question, to help clarify the first two. If your candidates are in favor of U.S. 2 safety improvements, shouldn't they be campaigning to unseat Haugen?
Just as we thought...you might want to rethink that endorsement of Felony Fred Walser.
The irony is that Fred and Donnetta Walser have acted so high and mighty in Monroe, accusing others of unethical behavior. Some of us did not appreciate their vicious and untrue attacks. Now we all know who the real crooks are.
So Fred Walser was, in fact, sentenced to a year in jail.
And two weeks later, the Senate Democrats gave his campaign $10K.
Do you think maybe that money could have been put to better use?
Blogs are great forums for the public to debate and decide what is true or false. I would hope that people who believe anything Mr. Minnick has to say at least investigates the source. What is really driving Mr. Minnick? The fact that he is no longer a council member and calls others "Felons" and "Crooks" is really slanderous. Please consider the source and ask better questions. Anyone can give sound-bites without proof of legitimacy. Question the source and truth will be told. Mr Minnick has an ax to grind and is trying to point fingers at other so they don't point back at him. (See www.pdc.wa.gov about Mr Minnick)
Hello, Scott Walser.
Fred Walser is a criminal. This is a fact.
It is, of course, a logical fallacy to attack what Chad said by attacking his character. This is called the "ad hominem" fallacy. What people should do is check the actual facts about what Fred Walser did, to discover that he has lied repeatedly: lied to protect Pepperell, lied to protect Pat Slack Jr., lied to protect himself, and lied to harm Senator Val Stevens.
It's a fact that Fred Walser has lied, lied, and lied again.
You may, as other Walser supports have, claim that I am lying or dishonest or somesuch. But I provide all the evidence. The evidence is so strong that Fred Walser himself admitted in open court that a jury would find him guilty beyond reasonable doubt, which is why he pled guilty.
And if he does not pay his $20,000 owed in restitution to Sultan by next week -- Thursday at 1:30 p.m. -- he could wind up serving the bulk of his one-year jail sentence.
Oh, and let's not forget that this week the PDC said that Fred Walser's treasurer broke the law in delaying a crucial reporting of a lying hit piece on Val Stevens.
Given Nandor's previous admonition, I'll refrain from considering the source of your comments as you understandibly want to defend your daddy, Scott.
I will say that I think Fred's done some good things in the community. Unfortunately those good things are overshadowed by some very big mistakes he's made that he has never taken responsibility for.
But to compare the false attacks against me by Fred and Donnetta's friends (I was cleared by the PDC) to Fred's actual conviction and wrongdoing is out of line.
Walser's attack squad accused me of some nonsense having to do with a solitary $150 campaign contribution and I was cleared of any wrongdoing.
Walser actually lied to investigators and was convicted of same.
Big difference.
And the facts on Walser's misdeeds are well-documented, and are conveniently aggregated at http://fred-walser.com
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