Events Calendar

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Komen Community Challenge

An important message from Susan G. Komen for the Cure

The Komen Community Challenge is coming to Seattle on Thursday, November 8!

Join breast cancer advocates and special guests at the Town Hall in Seattle to discuss the state of breast cancer care in Washington.

We’ll hear from breast cancer survivors and community leaders, as well as speakers such as Mary Selecky, Washington State Secretary of Health. And you’ll have a chance to meet and mingle with other advocates from across the state!

What: The Puget Sound Komen Community Challenge - “Close the Gap!” Town Hall Discussion

When: Thursday, November 8, 6:00 p.m.

Where: Town Hall Seattle ~ 1119 Eighth Avenue (at Seneca Street)

Who: Breast cancer survivors and families, health care officials, breast cancer experts – and you and your friends and family! Reserve your place HERE

Chad Shue
Democracy for Snohomish County

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yes on 4204

Democracy for Snohomish County proudly endorses Yes on 4204 (Simple Majority)

Go HERE to find out how to help.

Chad Shue
Vice-chair, DFSC

Monday, October 1, 2007

Green Everett Sustainable Energy Fair

  Green Everett, in collaboration with the Foundation for Sustainable Community, the Sustainable Snohomish Development Task Force and the Snohomish PUD invite you to attend a Sustainable Energy Fair and Solar & Green Building Tour on Saturday, October 6th.

Join us for a day of enlightening solutions that sustain our lifestyles while preserving our natural environment.

The Green Everett Sustainable Engery Fair and Solar & Green Building Tour is a solution based, hands-on, family oriented event designed to educate people of all ages and backgrounds about Sustainable Living Practices and Renewable Energy.

Cecile Andrews founder of the Phinney EcoVillage will energize the Fair as our Keynote Speaker. We will feature two panel discussions and the kick off for the 2007 Snohomish County Solar Tour. Exhibitors and demonstrators will present for us a variety of options in the field of renewable energy.

Where: Everett PUD Building, 2320 California Street, Everett.


When: Saturday, October 6. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Phone: 425 341-1061


Web sites:


Chad (The Left) Shue

DFSC Movie Night

DFSC Presents "A Crude Awakening"

As a kick-off event for the Green Everett Sustainable Energy Fair (to be
held on Saturday, October 6th) Democracy for Snohomish County will
the acclaimed documentary, "A Crude Awakening." The documentary tells
story of how our civilization’s addiction to oil puts it on a collision
course with geology and sets the stage for why we must begin down the
of renewables and more sustainable living. The event is free and open to
public (donations gladly accepted)

Please RSVP to with "Movie Night" in the subject

Where: Commission Meeting Room of the Everett PUD Bldg, 2320 California
Street Everett, WA, Everett.

When: Friday, October 5. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Phone: 425 341-1061

Web sites:
• Democracy for Snohomish County:

• "A Crude Awakening"

Sustainable Everett:

Chad Shue