Events Calendar

Monday, January 1, 2007

Welcome From the Chair



January 2007

Happy New Year! Welcome to the January 2007 edition of Democracy for Snohomish County’s rather unimaginatively titled newsletter (if someone has an idea for a catchier name, let me know). This informal report to the membership comes out on an irregular schedule, depending on how often I can shake myself loose from my usual state of disorganized lethargy and get something written. I hope to help keep you informed about what takes place at the meetings, and about opportunities to get involved. If you know other people who might be interested please let me know and we will get them on the e-mail list.

Clean Elections Forum

One of the most corrupting factors in politics today is the ability of special interest groups to influence elections and public policy by enormous campaign expenditures. It’s pervasive in all levels of politics, even “non-partisan” races such as those for judge. A solution that has worked well in several states, places as diverse as Connecticut, North Carolina, Arizona and Maine, is to go to publicly funded Clean Elections. To help people learn more about how to solve this problem Democracy for Snohomish County (DFSC) has joined with the 38th and 44th District Democrats, and Washington Public Campaigns to sponsor a Town Hall Forum on Clean Elections. It will take place on Thursday, January 4th from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. at the Snohomish County PUD Auditorium, 2320 California St. in Everett.

Featured will be speakers from Arizona and Maine, two of the states that have successfully implemented Clean Elections, as well as Washington State legislators. Discussion and questions from the audience will follow. For Further information contact Chad Shue at, 425-341-1061, Harry Abbott at, 425-784-0270, or go to the Washington Public Campaigns website at

Dinner and a Movie

The first monthly DFSC movie night will be on Sunday January 21st at Zippy's Java Lounge (1804 Hewitt Ave. in Everett) from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. The movie will be “Why We Fight”, a powerful, well made, documentary that explores the links between industry, government and the military, and how they influence both foreign and domestic policy. A moderated discussion will follow. Zippy’s offers a variety of delicious soups, sandwiches and beverages which will be available for sale, so it can be a feast for both your mind and your body. There is no admission charge, though donations will be gladly accepted. Bring someone you love (or at least like reasonably well), and make it a date!

Sunday February 18th will be the date of the second DFSC Movie Night. We have not yet decided on a movie, and are looking for everyone’s input. The movies can be documentaries, dramas, comedies, or any other form (soap operas?), but should relate to a topic of current interest and should be able to serve as a springboard for fruitful discussion and action. Tell us what you want, and we’ll give it to you!

Renewable Energy Symposium

We’re back and doing it again in 2007, because it was so good the first time! I’m talking about the second annual Renewable Energy Symposium and Expo (what did you think I meant?) which will take place in August 2007 in Everett. We hope to have Richard Heinberg, author of Power Down and The Party’s Over as the lead speaker. Richard has been a strong voice alerting us to the problems stemming from imminent arrival of peak oil, and educating us on the actions we can and must take to build a future based on renewable energy.

It was good last year and this year will be even better, but it will take a lot of volunteers to make it happen. A planning committee has been formed chaired by Jackie Minchew. To become involved, contact him at, or visit the Renewable Energy Symposium website at

2007 Officers Elected

At our December meeting we elected officers for 2007. They are Jeffrey Sutro (Executive Chair), Nancy Sosnove (Vice Chair), Chad Shue (Vice Chair & Communications Director), Debbie Shue (Secretary), Cliff Wells (Treasurer), Harry Abbott (At Large Board Member), Eric Teegarden (At Large Board Member) and Jackie Minchew (At large Board Member). Remember though that DFSC is a grassroots organization where the decision-making authority rests with the voting membership. The drive, energy and enthusiasm to make this organization work come from the membership, and it will be your efforts that shape DFSC's future.

Due(s) Due for 2007

Everyone is welcome to attend any of our meetings, and participate in all activities and discussions, but if you wish to vote you at our meetings you need to become a “voting member” by paying the annual $10 dues. These dues can be waived upon request. The membership then becomes effective in 30 days. Membership forms can be found on our web site at or you can sign up at a meeting.

We have kept our dues low in order to allow anyone who is interested to become a member. Consequently, dues income alone is not enough to fund all of our activities. Please consider making a generous financial contribution to DFSC by contacting our Treasurer Cliff Wells at or me at

Who We Are

Democracy for Snohomish County is a progressive, non-affiliated, non-partisan, political action committee. Our purpose is to support and develop progressive candidates for office and to influence public policy issues affecting Snohomish County or the State of Washington. All are welcome to join in. We invite you to contribute your energy and enthusiasm to this purpose.


Our next meeting will be Tuesday January 9 from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. at the Lynnwood / Edmonds PUD at 21018 Highway 99. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Our February meeting will be at the Everett PUD, and will we continue to rotate our meetings between those two locations in hopes of making it convenient for everyone to attend at least some of the meetings.


I encourage you to visit our web site at, where you can find many interesting articles, numerous useful links, a calendar of events, and other worthwhile features. The site is updated regularly, so be sure to check it frequently. If you have an upcoming event that you would like listed on our calendar, contact me and I will get it posted.

DFSC is a collaborative undertaking and look I forward to working together with all of you. If you have any comments, suggestions or criticisms please contact me.

All My Best,

Jeff Sutro
425-745-1724 (H)
425-778-1588 (W)
425-478-3326 (cell)

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